jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

My future job

I would like job in the future as a clinical psychologist, in adults or children and adolescents. I think that i will decide in the postgrade. In the meantime I imagine working in the public system in “consultorios”.

I like would like to be a clinical psychologit because I feel is very important and usefull for the society. Especially because the psychology has many tolos for help to the people that is complicated, or grups of people in need of guidance.

The type of reward let me i will be the satisfaction share my knowledge with the people that needs it. At a time I learning from new experiences.

I would also like to be able to know many other areas of psychology, such as educational and community, as I believe they are very complementary to clinical psychology.

Also within the clinical psychology that I would like to work with the systemic approach, since it allows a familiar and contextual view of people. It is also much more effective a psychotherapy that integrates all the members that surround the person. However, I also like the humanistic clinical approach, since it has a very integral vision of the human being and focused mainly on his emotions.

Changes to my study program

Hello! today I tell them you about changes  to my study program.
A few things I like would changes to my study program and in the university were: curriculum, infrastructure, more materials as book, voice recorders, and more computers. Also workload and teaching methods amongst other things.
In respect of infrastructure consider that since I arrived here the 2014, that the university is under construction and however never we have rooms  when we need. Ever since I am studying that I have listened that will build in dining room bigger. Or there will be a large gym. But everything has been a legend. In addition, the library for many students of FACSO.  In respect a use of technology the university should provide more audiovisual material, and devices to work with.
On the other side in the workload and length of studies, I think the time the career lasts is fine. However, there are periods of much excess in respect of the academic burden. Also I would like to change in my carreer the study methodology, since is very teoric, and I think that is necessary established a methodology more practice, that our prepare for our professional life.
In addition I would like add to the first years of the career courses matter of all the psychology lines in the  that are could work


viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

English Language Challenges

My experience learnig English at university is very fun. When i knew that i would have to learn englih in the university i wanted to die. Because since i were to school i could not understand, i though that when i finished the school i would not have more english classes. But when i realized it was too late, i was already enrolled. Then I gave yhe english thet and i was in level one. These classes  were very funny, because we were singing, also we were playing “bingo” and the funniest thing was that nobody won because nobody knew the numbers.  After, two english was very awful. Since the teacher to suffer those we did not know english. And in the last two  courses three and four, english have been very relaxed.

And about the use of blogs, it has helped me a lot, because it is very difficult for me to speak and listen to english so writing and Reading is a Little easier for me. Although sometimes it is a Little boring.

The aspects of my english that i need to improve are many. For example: the vocabulary, since i have veri Little vocabulary. Also my  pronunciation, and listen better. But the most important thing that i must improve, is not to be embarrassment to practice, or  else i will never learn.  My plan for better is to learn more vocabulary first, then listen to many things in english.

Outside the english class, i do not use english in my day to day, only when i listen to a type  of music that i like. And my dream is to i cant sing them well hahahaha. 

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

My winter holiday

My winter holiday in later years has been very irregular, because ever since between university the 2014, this year alone I had winter holidays in the normal way. Because in the following years my winter holidays overlap with the “paro” in the university, then my holidays it change in two months of “paro”.

On the other hand, my memories of winter holidays when little us such good memories.  When little I went many things, for example: draw, I played with her doll, I wached movies, and so on.  But most fun I was cooking whit my grandmother “sopaipillas” or “panqueques” while outside rain. But my best memory next to the oven while outside rain and the air was cool.

However, for this winter holiday I intend plenty of rest because this was an semester very stressful, and thus I get more energy for the next semester because I was short on time in the university! But also,  I like work  more days in the week  (since only I work  at the weekend ), inasmuch as I would  like traveled  in the summer holiday. Also I should like have more time for my interests and hobbies, for example: cut and sew clothes, I will paint a picture, weave, and practice yoga.  In addition I would like visit the friends, since I have not had time to visit or out with them. And the more important I want get up late every day. 

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

My favorite pictures

This is my favorite pictures, because was beautiful moment. This is pictures was a travel to Peru on May 2015 in Machu Picchu.  I traveled with my mother and my daughter, which had a proven three years of age. And I was anxious because we don’t had traveled never, then I was very afraid    of boarding the plane especially because we should boarding two plane. When reach out to Cuzco planning we go the next day to Machu Picchu. To get there, we were riding the bus; after we took a train for extend to Machu Picchu city. From here took a bus to climb the places of the picture.

We walk about one hour, my daughter saw an insect very big and ugly, and then she did not want to walk never again!  My daughter panics to insect. And we still did not finish the tour. Then we decide (my mother and me) that we had to finish the tour although was long time. And thus it was, we delay five hours in the tour, all the way with my daughter in my back. And when at long last us sit down to rest and my daughter finished your panic, my mother get this picture. Even if, we enjoyed the places beautiful also I was resting the long road and for my back pain. Still my daughter saw the picture and agreed the insects.