jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Changes to my study program

Hello! today I tell them you about changes  to my study program.
A few things I like would changes to my study program and in the university were: curriculum, infrastructure, more materials as book, voice recorders, and more computers. Also workload and teaching methods amongst other things.
In respect of infrastructure consider that since I arrived here the 2014, that the university is under construction and however never we have rooms  when we need. Ever since I am studying that I have listened that will build in dining room bigger. Or there will be a large gym. But everything has been a legend. In addition, the library for many students of FACSO.  In respect a use of technology the university should provide more audiovisual material, and devices to work with.
On the other side in the workload and length of studies, I think the time the career lasts is fine. However, there are periods of much excess in respect of the academic burden. Also I would like to change in my carreer the study methodology, since is very teoric, and I think that is necessary established a methodology more practice, that our prepare for our professional life.
In addition I would like add to the first years of the career courses matter of all the psychology lines in the  that are could work


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