viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

English Language Challenges

My experience learnig English at university is very fun. When i knew that i would have to learn englih in the university i wanted to die. Because since i were to school i could not understand, i though that when i finished the school i would not have more english classes. But when i realized it was too late, i was already enrolled. Then I gave yhe english thet and i was in level one. These classes  were very funny, because we were singing, also we were playing “bingo” and the funniest thing was that nobody won because nobody knew the numbers.  After, two english was very awful. Since the teacher to suffer those we did not know english. And in the last two  courses three and four, english have been very relaxed.

And about the use of blogs, it has helped me a lot, because it is very difficult for me to speak and listen to english so writing and Reading is a Little easier for me. Although sometimes it is a Little boring.

The aspects of my english that i need to improve are many. For example: the vocabulary, since i have veri Little vocabulary. Also my  pronunciation, and listen better. But the most important thing that i must improve, is not to be embarrassment to practice, or  else i will never learn.  My plan for better is to learn more vocabulary first, then listen to many things in english.

Outside the english class, i do not use english in my day to day, only when i listen to a type  of music that i like. And my dream is to i cant sing them well hahahaha. 

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