miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

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My favorite book

Hello classmates!!

My favorite book is "Tengo Miedo Torero" Pedro Lemebel.

This book is very special to me because it made me move much, the story is very entertaining novel is a homosexual old man who falls for a young "frontage left". This book manages to mix a political context (military coup), social context and a love story.

Pedro Lemebel has very good books, and are very similar to this. Can convey all the emotions that writes to his readers, from anger to love. I think it's a very good book that I wish everyone could read.


We are champions of america


This day was very important for me and for all Chileans.
It is hard to describe the feelings I felt, joy, excitement, disbelief. I was very nervous especially when I saw pass the time and no goals. But penalties were those that enjoy and shout certainly were exciting.
I'm not a fan of football, but when we met in Chile plays with my family to see him and spend some time.

After I finish the football game and we won, we went out to celebrate all in the car and touch the horn long as everyone celebrated with flags.

This win makes me very happy, and all other Chileans also helps us to distract us a little of all our problems.


viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

I movie that I like and a movie that I hate


My favorite movie is “Un Cuento Chino”, is a film Argentina dramedy starring Ricardo Darin, 2011.
This is a man who lives alone and is day day working on your hardware store and check Journals worldwide in order to cut absurd news.

But this changes when he meets a young Chinese man who came to Argentina to seek a family because he was alone in China.
The movie is like life constantly puts us in absurd situations. And in the end are those situations that give us meaning of life.

The film has less liked is “Tres metros sobre el cielo”. Because I find it a stereotype to teenagers.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Former political prisoners tortured during Pinochet regime demand compensation from Chilean government.

The articule “Landmark ruling opens door to better compensation for torture victims”, presented on the website “The Santiago Time”, It re-opens the wound of the families of the political prisoners to be able to put end with a bit of justice.

According to this article there exist many political traps that have not allowed the accomplishment of a sentence for the torturers allowing them not to be judged.

From the psychology it seems to me to be important, that you are afraid so delicate for the company and the families affected could close his pain fairly, though these topics seem to be foreign for the majority of the people who did not live through it, He is of equal way in the collective conscience of the people.

Even the constitution of the identity of us as Chileans they influence social aspects, therefore recognition of this violence would allow to cure a great part of the company that is fed up of the impunity.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Every picture tells a story


This picture is very important to me for many things. I went to Machu-Picchu Peru in May this year. And it was a great trip; I went with my mom and daughter. It's amazing beauty of the place, the people, the climate and history. But the funniest part of this picture and I will not forget is that it was the only time I got my daughter stepped on the floor. As it gave too afraid to step on the floor since he saw a giant bug, and I had to take me in his arms throughout the tour. A journey that lasts more than two hours, I walked in five hours!!. Although it was tiring it has been one of my best experiences.

My piece favorite of technology


My favorite piece is my cell technology because it allows me to stay connected with current news, listen to music, watching videos, I communicate with my family and friends. Even people who do not live far away. I also used to study and check my e-mail is the form of academic contact. I can also take pictures and record videos; I even served until flashlight when needed.
They gave it to me for my 16th birthday; the model is a S3MINI GALAXY white. And I take care all day, sometimes more than necessary, even much wasted note this.

  I think my life without him would be a little chaotic at first but then become more relaxed as I often like slaves. 

Goodbye they are well.

My expectations for this semester


My expectations for this semester are first approve all branches of my career that I really like, and especially English which is a field that is very difficult for me.
At the moment I have no extracurricular activities, because I cannot even organize my time well. But I'd love to make any further.
Not participate for the time in other activities outside of my career. But if I try to share with my colleagues fed within school hours and outside the same.

I hope this semester left me many good things and to my colleagues is just as good. 

Goodbye. Good luck everyone.

The perfect song

While I have many one of the ones I like favorite songs, and have some important time frame, it all becomes Jorge Drexler.
The Uruguayan singer but has many more successes, is this the one that best applies to life and the course it should have.

This song came at a time of my life where I felt I was having a major change was when I was 16 and I knew it would be breast. I remember I heard this song many times with my mom when we heard the news, and certainly marked me and gave me strength to continue. I know many people like and represent different meanings for each. Hope you like.

"... Each gives what it receives
and then get what you give,
nothing is more simple,
no other rule:
nothing is lost,
everything changes ... "

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

My favorite band: Los Tetas.

       Los tetas is my band favorite of music. They are a Chilean band. Their musical style is a fusion of Funck, hip-hop, rock, sould and black music of the 70’. They started en 1994 in the first phase until 2004, then they split up and started personal project, and then they came together again in 2011 to the present.
Its members are: Rulo, C-Funck, Tea time and Pepino. Some of his albums are; Mama Funck and La Medicina. And my favorite song between many others is Corazon de Sandia. This song is very good!!! As it was his first notable song.

      This video has very good sound and very colorful video images. The best of this band and this video is the union of music and Street.

      So I invite you to listen to this song.  And that enjoy it as I do.

Thanks, Cheers!!.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015



My name is Tamara Ailen Bravo Hernandez, I am from Chile, in Santiago City. I am 20 years old and I my birthday is 24 of November. I am studying psychology in the faculty of social science of the University of Chile, and I am second year of my career.

I was born in 1994, in La Florida district. I Finished high school in 2013 in
Providencia district.  

I live with my mother and my daughter, and I have two cats.

I like to draw and paint, I enjoy listening to music, my favorite music is Hip-Hop, singers Bubaseta, and Michu MC. However I like also singers Silvio Rodriguez, Illapu, and Sol y Lluvia, my mother the listened to Silvio since  I was a child. 

Thank very much for visiting, Good bye. Kiss.