viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

momentary obsessed

In the last time my obsessed are the accessories. Like rings and earrings. Because I meeting that are useful for the identity and it have content symbolic.  More than an obsessed, is a personal taste of years. Since 10 years old that I have a collection of earrings. However as time passes my preferences have been changing. For example when I was little I liked earrings and rings of many colors, and figures of butterflies, leaves, animals, hearts, etc.  After when I was 13 years old, I liked rings and earrings silvery with a circular shape. After those diverse styles of handicraft even I made them and also I sold them. Following this, I like rings and earring vintage, and finally my favorite accessories and my little obsessed is rings and earrings Indians, since I love it your shape. Also I liked the gold and silver color.

I think i like accessories because also it has story since its construction to purchase. In addition, historically it has in value symbolic and cultural. On the other hand, in my family the accessories has allowed us story, anecdotes, family members. And this is  very important for me.  

jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

The most embarrassing thing i'm willing to admit

I think that the moment embarrassing is when I fell of de bus in motion.  This happened when I have six years. I have my grandmother and we come from de doctor, and we took an old bus, which was very fast. Then when the bus stopped for a short time and it get out a lot people, then   my grandmother get out of bus, but I did not reach. And I stayed on the bus, ¡hanging!, just affirmed by the door. Inside the bus ¡everybody shouting! , scared for me. However, the driver did not listen.

The end of this story is that the driver never stopped, and I fell because my clothes got loose from the bus door. When I fell a taxi ¡nearly hit me!, fortunately the taxi stopped and helped me. They took me hospital, but I did not get him. Although it is a terrible story, in my family is an anecdote. And for me it was the most embarrassing. From that moment on in my family, always tell this story especially when there are visits.  :´( 

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

My best holiday

My best holiday was this summer, the last week of February of this year. I traveled to Buenos Aires and Montevideo, for a week. It was a wonderful travel. I went with a friend at school your name is Daniela.
With Daniela visited four days Argentina and three Uruguay. We are planning travel two months ago. For it, we work very much and raise money. Just arrived we feel unbearable temperatures, over 38 degrees Celsius, therefore impossible to walk in the middle of the city.

Between places we knew in Buenos Aires: ecological reserve, obelisk, San Telmo, barrio La Boca “caminito”, Casa Rosada, Rio de la Plata, and other locations. In Uruguay we visit the beach “Pocitos”

In Montevideo, the old city, new city, art museums and theaters. We ate a lot, and different foods. Also we went to dance and it was. On the other hand, the middle of the city in Buenos Aires y Montevideo is already very poor. Many people live on the street and eat garbage. Despite all this is, it was a lovely experience.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

A country i would like to visit

A country I would like to visit is India, because  is a country with a culture very interesting and different. There are many beautiful places such as: Nueva Delhi and Bombay. Also of the beatutiful Taj Mahal. I am surprises the religious variety, since in is country cope the; Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Christianity, other things. However there is a lot of poverty and unequal. Day many  die of hunger, and childrens, abandoned children, but most people full life and full of spirituality. Therefore the richness and beaty of people is I am interested.

On the other hand, India is a country very old, and with history. Also them have good food, very good music and, movies  for example: Slumdog Millionaire or life of Pi.  Also, the people  have different traditions and practices as the marriage other things. I like travel to India, in five years more hahaha, because is very costly. And go for many days. !