jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

The most embarrassing thing i'm willing to admit

I think that the moment embarrassing is when I fell of de bus in motion.  This happened when I have six years. I have my grandmother and we come from de doctor, and we took an old bus, which was very fast. Then when the bus stopped for a short time and it get out a lot people, then   my grandmother get out of bus, but I did not reach. And I stayed on the bus, ¡hanging!, just affirmed by the door. Inside the bus ¡everybody shouting! , scared for me. However, the driver did not listen.

The end of this story is that the driver never stopped, and I fell because my clothes got loose from the bus door. When I fell a taxi ¡nearly hit me!, fortunately the taxi stopped and helped me. They took me hospital, but I did not get him. Although it is a terrible story, in my family is an anecdote. And for me it was the most embarrassing. From that moment on in my family, always tell this story especially when there are visits.  :´( 

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